Thursday 9 November 2006

A big orange swirly thing in space..

I’m actually still alive. Its been a while since my last post which sucks, but on the other hand only one more exam to go and an easy one at that! Yay!

Anywho I’ve been thinking, my old tired Black Sun subtheme? It needs some revising, a make over, a shiny new coat of paint. But hang on a sec.. scrap that. I’m throwing the old volvo and its new paint right out the window. Lets just scrap it and replace it with a fancy new rocket car with kicking bass and wicked flame decals. But maybe I got a little too carried away there. Not an entirely brand spanking new subtheme as such, basically just what I’ve wanted Black Sun to be ever since I did the Talius and Sariya. In other words more like this and less like this. But this time I think I’ve got the required skills to make the more organic and spikey design to work with some degree of success. I think. Oh yeah and the name needs changing to, names stolen from SW can only last so long anyway. Now I’ve got this idea for a really nice attack frigate, I’ve just got to work out how exactly I’m going to approach this new look Black Sun. hmmmm..
Oh yeah and the 8-ball, she’ll finally be finished soon with any luck. As she’s been gathering way to much dust in dry-dock recently.
In other recent news..
Lightning Moc is pretty cool, I particularly like the long pill style canopy going on, the lightening bolts and intakes are also pretty nifty lookin. Though, I don’t know what it is but somethings seams missing from the overall design.
Once again, Jerac effectively shoves a crap load of playability into a neat little package. This time in the ever so nifty Steampunk Catamaran. When you roll it over the ground all the little bits and pieces and greebs move about, I mean how cool is that? I’m particularly drawn to the little papery tent dealy in the middle, though however its innards look plain, flat and boring and are in need of some detailing.
And if you haven’t checked out Brenden's awesome
Eos Battlecruiser go do so immediately!

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